Friday, March 7, 2014

Huck Finn & Tom Sawyer. . .Weiser River Style

Sam had his best friend, Chase, for an overnighter yesterday.  They headed out the door after a pile of blueberry hotcakes and I didn't see them until I rang the triangle five hours later for their lunch.  I knew they were "building" something, but didn't think too much about it.  

When they came in for lunch, there was a lot of mud, wet pants, wet socks, wet coats and wet hands! We heard of "cabin walls and rafts", "cool things we're digging out", etc. . . They ate quickly, reclothed in dry attire and headed back out.  

Bruce stuck his head in the kitchen after feeding the cows and said I really needed to check out Sam and Chase's cabin.  Here's what I found. . . .

Proud owners in front of their dugout/cabin
The rafts using the ferry
Arm strength is crucial in moving the rafts across the muddy waters!
And when you're a ranch kid, you have to be flexible to all kinds of circumstances.  The horses decided they needed to check out what all the busyness was in their water spot.  I have no idea if the boy's cabin will still be standing today.  At least the bulls were in another pasture!

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